Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Oral Presentation

I was not present the day of oral presentations. I planned to speak on a familiar subject but mistakenly waited to the last day to put a presentation together. My planned topic was Agile Project Management processes. This subject did not require too much research as it is a main topic in my IT Project MGMT class. To further educate myself I read my book and did research on actual project management.

Martha's Kitchen

Throughout our research project for Martha's Kitchen we worked entirely as a co-located team.  In its completion, I learned that the work we did was well rounded and supported our needs to make a final decision.  I didn't expect to work on this without meeting with my group members but it was very successful and everyone was accountable for their work.  Each team approached the same subject differently but I was very satisfied with what we put together.

Five Year Plan, Have to Have it

During my senior year in high school I was asked to create a 5 year plan.  At that time I wasn't thinking more than 6 months into the future and honestly just jotted some ideas down. Now, more than 5 years down the road I see how important having a plan is. Without a plan your kind of just wondering and that's no way to live life.  I see time as limited and because of that I will now always make a plan for myself and keep it at a short reach in my mind and written to stick to my words.  From today, my five year plan is to travel to every continent, pick up between 1-2 more languages, take some acting classes and try out for a series, get my masters degree, bring my family closer, marry,  and have a few kids. Having these desires in mind when I make decisions, I'm sure to have more control of my life and accomplish my goals in a timely manner.

Business in Japan

To prepare for my business trip to Tokyo, Japan I would first enhance my knowledge of Japanese culture. Preparing myself to work along and within the Japanese culture before I leave would allow me to fully take advantage of such a great opportunity.  Without preparation, I would quickly have a huge culture shock as we live and do business under different guidelines.  For example, in America we focus on time and written words as were a mono chronic and low context culture.  In Japan however, focus is more on relationships, non-verbal communication and doing multiple activities at a time.  During a business meeting in the U.S. the team is strict about being on time and moving forward on a tight schedule vs in Japan decisions may take forever as parties would like to make a relationship with you before settling a business concern.  With the proper preparation I would have the necessary knowledge to succeed, do business, and make solid international relationships.

Bosses Spying on Facebook

How we dress ourselves, what we say and do all presents an image to viewers.  The same remains true online but at a much higher viewing scale.  In my opinion, if one leaves there social media site open to the public viewers they should be open to responses, whether good or bad.  Employers best assets are its employees and they should have the right to view their public information.  On the other hand, if an employee doesn't want their boss viewing what they did over the weekend or wild twitter comments they may have made then they should lock up their accounts for close friends only.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Working or Looking Like Your Working?

Last week I received a letter from my doctors office reminding me of debt from a previous visit.  The letter was written as very negatively, stating that this has been the third notice and if the debt was not paid within 12 days it would be forwarded to a collection agent and it would interfere with my future visits.  Under normal circumstances the letter would not have bothered me but this particular visit was billed improperly due to its billing department and I had already discussed this with the office and my insurance on two separate occasions.  After hours, I was told the bill should have been covered in full by my insurance outside of my co-pay and that a new statement would be sent out once it had went back through my insurance. Now, I was beginning to receive harassing letters at no fault of my own because the doctors office failed to note my account to make it stop. I then had to contact the office again to address the letter and again was apologized to by billing.  The issue is now settled but the doctor office lack of due diligence was insulting and left a very bad taste in my mouth.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Writing to me...

Writing to me is a non-confrontational and non-judgmental way of getting out my thoughts, expressing my interest, and organizing my direction.  My most favorite writing is journal writing because its just for me and I don't have to worry about correcting it later.  On the other hand, I do enjoy writing for school or professional reasons just to see how well I can get my point across and paint a picture. I'm a visual learner and that is expressed in my my writing style. Depending what I'm writing, it may be more appropriate to just get straight to the point. One of my problems in writing is trying to manage what style is best. All and all, I enjoy writing.